Giostra del Saracino

Giostra del Saracino ad Arezzo

Penultimate Saturday of June and first Sunday of September. "Corridor I saw for your land, or Aretini, and I saw gir gualdane, fedir torneamenti and correr carroostra ...". Divine Comedy, Inferno canto XXII. The Giostra del Saracino takes place in Piazza Grande twice a year: the night edition on the penultimate Saturday in June and the daytime edition on the first Sunday in September. The four Quarters in which the city is divided take part in the challenge: Porta S. Spirito (yellow and blue colors), Porta S. Andrea (white and green colors), Porta Crucifera (red and green colors) and Porta del Foro (yellow colors) and crimson).

In this joust eight knights, two for each district, run the "career" against the simulacrum of the Saracen trying to hit with the lance the highest score of the board (divided into 12 zones with a score ranging from 1 to 5) contained in the shield of 'automaton. The "Buratto" or King of the Indies, beaten by the spear, snaps and twists and turns the flail in his hand. This consists of three balls of leather and lead coated with a substance that leaves the impression on the impact, so it is easy to determine if the rider was hit or not; in the affirmative case, penalties are assigned to the score.

At least two "careers" are run, but their numbers can increase in the case of a playoff. The Carousel is the district that scores the highest score. The coveted trophy of the "Lancia d'oro" is presented to the winning district, which is dedicated to each character or to a particular event.

The Giostra precedes a long procession in the historical center and the evolutions of the flag-wavers of Arezzo famous all over the world. Obviously they can not miss the Musicians of the Saracen Joust playing the Hymn.

The highest authority is the Field Master who oversees the development of the event, the Chancellor verbalizes the verdict of the Judges, while the Herald reads the "challenge", announces the succession of careers and communicates the points achieved by each rider. The Giostra del Saracino is considered one of the most important national historical re-enactments. Photo by Alberto Fornasari and Alessandro Farsetti

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Fai passare il cursore del mouse sopra la Cartina di Arezzo e potrai ingrandire la zona desiderata

  • 27: Chiesa S. Agnese - 6/C
  • 17: Chiesa S. Agostino - 4-5/D
  • 3: Chiesa di S. Annunziata -2-3/B
  • 37: Chiesa S. Bernardo - 3/E
  • 20: Chiesa S. Croce - 7/C
  • 1: Chiesa Di S. Domenico - 4/A
  • 11: Chiesa SS. Flora e Lucilla in B. - 3/B-C
  • 14: Chiesa S. Francesco - 3-4/C
  • 18: Chiesa S. Gemignano 5/D
  • 39: Chiesa di S. Maria delle Grazie 4/E
  • 2: Chiesa di S. Maria in Gradi 3-4/A
  • 10: Chiesa S. Maria della Pieve - 5/C
  • 26: Chiesa S. Michele - 4/C
  • 34: Chiesa SS. Trinità - 3/C
  • 4: Duomo - 5/A
  • 12: Galleria Comunale d'Arte Contemporanea - 4/B
  • 38: Museo Archeologico - 4/E
  • 29: Museo Diocesano - 5/A
  • 6: Casa del Petrarca - 5/B
  • 36: Casa del Vasari - 3/A
  • 30: Logge Vasari - 5/B-C
  • 28: Palazzetto della Fraternita dei Laici - 5/B-C
  • 35: Palazzo Bruni - 3/A
  • 31: Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo - 5/B
  • 5: Palazzo Comunale - 4/B
  • 32: Palazzo del Popolo 5/B
  • 9: Palazzo Pretorio - 5/B
  • 13: Teatro Petrarca - 3/C
  • 21: Anfiteatro Romano - 3-4/E
  • 22: Bastioni S. Spirito - 2-3/E
  • .
  • 40: Chimera d'Arezzo - 2/D-E
  • 8: Fortezza Medicea - 6-7/B
  • 7: Monumento a F. Petrarca - 6/B
  • 16: Monumento a Guido Monaco - 2-3/D
  • 19: Porta trento Trieste - 6/D
  • 25: Porta S. Clemente - 3/A
  • 24: Porta di S. Lorentino - 2/A
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