Maggiolata Lucignanese

Maggiolata Lucignanese

Last two Sundays of May. The first important event of Lucignano is without a doubt the Maggiolata. It is a party clearly linked to the best Tuscan and local rural tradition, a sort of revival of the ancient celebrations for the new summer season after the long winter period, almost a propitiatory rite in regard to an abundant harvest. And today, as many centuries ago, the party has very precise connotations, in which the dominant role is exercised by the strong appeal to celebratory aspects of our memories: the parade of allegorical wagons, completing flowers, with the participation of bands and groups folklore, coming from every part of Italy and also from abroad, which runs through the entire ring of the streets of the village; the historical procession that precedes and announces the beginning of the festival; the same division of the municipal territory in districts that joyfully contest the prize for the construction of the most beautiful wagon; the presence of many flowers, not only on the wagons of the various districts, but also on the streets, or on the balconies and doors, in a striking chromatic play.
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  • 27: Chiesa S. Agnese - 6/C
  • 17: Chiesa S. Agostino - 4-5/D
  • 3: Chiesa di S. Annunziata -2-3/B
  • 37: Chiesa S. Bernardo - 3/E
  • 20: Chiesa S. Croce - 7/C
  • 1: Chiesa Di S. Domenico - 4/A
  • 11: Chiesa SS. Flora e Lucilla in B. - 3/B-C
  • 14: Chiesa S. Francesco - 3-4/C
  • 18: Chiesa S. Gemignano 5/D
  • 39: Chiesa di S. Maria delle Grazie 4/E
  • 2: Chiesa di S. Maria in Gradi 3-4/A
  • 10: Chiesa S. Maria della Pieve - 5/C
  • 26: Chiesa S. Michele - 4/C
  • 34: Chiesa SS. Trinità - 3/C
  • 4: Duomo - 5/A
  • 12: Galleria Comunale d'Arte Contemporanea - 4/B
  • 38: Museo Archeologico - 4/E
  • 29: Museo Diocesano - 5/A
  • 6: Casa del Petrarca - 5/B
  • 36: Casa del Vasari - 3/A
  • 30: Logge Vasari - 5/B-C
  • 28: Palazzetto della Fraternita dei Laici - 5/B-C
  • 35: Palazzo Bruni - 3/A
  • 31: Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo - 5/B
  • 5: Palazzo Comunale - 4/B
  • 32: Palazzo del Popolo 5/B
  • 9: Palazzo Pretorio - 5/B
  • 13: Teatro Petrarca - 3/C
  • 21: Anfiteatro Romano - 3-4/E
  • 22: Bastioni S. Spirito - 2-3/E
  • .
  • 40: Chimera d'Arezzo - 2/D-E
  • 8: Fortezza Medicea - 6-7/B
  • 7: Monumento a F. Petrarca - 6/B
  • 16: Monumento a Guido Monaco - 2-3/D
  • 19: Porta trento Trieste - 6/D
  • 25: Porta S. Clemente - 3/A
  • 24: Porta di S. Lorentino - 2/A
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