The legend of the Mea of ​​Bibbiena

La leggenda della Mea di Bibbiena

Last day of Carnival. The local tradition wants a Bibbiena divided into two districts: that of the "Piazzolini", considered the district of the lords and that of Fondaccini the district of the people. It happened one day that the beautiful lavender Bartolomea called "Mea", promised to the weaver Cecco, in bringing back the laundry to the castle, came across the young Tarlati, son of Count Piero and between them a romance arose. Cecco the weaver, showy abandoned, tried to know and became aware of the affair. All the Fondaccio was informed of it and began to tumult. Between the two fractions were born violent fights that threatened to become true revolt by the Fondaccio. The old Count Tarlati, a wise man, to avoid major damage to his people called all gathering, in the center of the country, the two villages and, in the presence of all, returned the Mea to Fondaccio and his Cecco, thus ending any discord. As a sign of jubilation, La Mea surrendered to his family in the Piazzola, the "Pomo" of peace was burned. In memory of this and other events, between legend and history, every year, on the last day of Carnival, in Bibbiena, the so-called "Bello Pomo" is burned and people come from the countryside to assist and the Mea is chosen among the the nicest adult girls in the country.
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  • 27: Chiesa S. Agnese - 6/C
  • 17: Chiesa S. Agostino - 4-5/D
  • 3: Chiesa di S. Annunziata -2-3/B
  • 37: Chiesa S. Bernardo - 3/E
  • 20: Chiesa S. Croce - 7/C
  • 1: Chiesa Di S. Domenico - 4/A
  • 11: Chiesa SS. Flora e Lucilla in B. - 3/B-C
  • 14: Chiesa S. Francesco - 3-4/C
  • 18: Chiesa S. Gemignano 5/D
  • 39: Chiesa di S. Maria delle Grazie 4/E
  • 2: Chiesa di S. Maria in Gradi 3-4/A
  • 10: Chiesa S. Maria della Pieve - 5/C
  • 26: Chiesa S. Michele - 4/C
  • 34: Chiesa SS. Trinità - 3/C
  • 4: Duomo - 5/A
  • 12: Galleria Comunale d'Arte Contemporanea - 4/B
  • 38: Museo Archeologico - 4/E
  • 29: Museo Diocesano - 5/A
  • 6: Casa del Petrarca - 5/B
  • 36: Casa del Vasari - 3/A
  • 30: Logge Vasari - 5/B-C
  • 28: Palazzetto della Fraternita dei Laici - 5/B-C
  • 35: Palazzo Bruni - 3/A
  • 31: Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo - 5/B
  • 5: Palazzo Comunale - 4/B
  • 32: Palazzo del Popolo 5/B
  • 9: Palazzo Pretorio - 5/B
  • 13: Teatro Petrarca - 3/C
  • 21: Anfiteatro Romano - 3-4/E
  • 22: Bastioni S. Spirito - 2-3/E
  • .
  • 40: Chimera d'Arezzo - 2/D-E
  • 8: Fortezza Medicea - 6-7/B
  • 7: Monumento a F. Petrarca - 6/B
  • 16: Monumento a Guido Monaco - 2-3/D
  • 19: Porta trento Trieste - 6/D
  • 25: Porta S. Clemente - 3/A
  • 24: Porta di S. Lorentino - 2/A
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