Gustando lo Stufato

Gustando lo Stufato


Gustando lo stufato


San Giovanni Valdarno


carnival period



Municipality of San Giovanni Valdarno Piazza Cavour, 1 tel. 055 91261 Tourism Office for Trade and Land Promotion tel. 0559126251 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - ​​Tourist Information Office Tel. 055 943748


Description of the Festival

Its origins date back to the beginning of the century at some factories, such as the Ironworks (in the rough and gassogenic department), the Ceramics, the Fornaci Bagiardi, where some workers, particularly greedy and skilled in the culinary, occasionally cooked the stew more than anything else base of the animals' interiors (lung, bowel, etc.). One of these among other things in 1915 was enlisted in the army and sent to Libya where he was the cook of the regiment (it was his attitude and passion). Here he discovered spices and above all learned to cook the large quantities of dishes. On his return he jealously preserved the discoveries and began to apply them first in the house, then in Ferriera and finally in the halls of the Basilica, where he began cooking the stew that from that moment took the name of "sangiovannese stew" because only here it was done with the new ingredients and above all with meat from the front legs of adult veal, giving the dish a different taste from the stew.

The secret slowly passed from one chef to another in the Uffizi (every Uffizi had its own chef), giving life to a real competition that is still preserved today, and then from house to house, in the taverns and restaurants of the city . But the original recipe has remained linked to the Uffizi and only in this circumstance is it applied. The Pro Loco Association and the Municipal Administration of San Giovanni (Tourism and Productive Activities Office), always aware of the immense


Ingredients: Veal: leg muscle, beaten or chopped onion, celery, carrots and parsley; apart, beaten fine garlic and lemon peel; salt, pepper, spices and a little nutmeg; bones of the beast, olive oil, red wine, some preserves.

Preparation: The secret is difficult to explain because it depends on a number of important things such as: the quantity and type of meat, type of pan, ladle with which the whole thing must be well turned, and finally the hand that works it. Put the meat in the pan with the oil and the two beaten. Put salt, pepper, common spices and nutmeg. Turn everything with the ladle and put on the fire. Separately, the bones were slowly boiled with only water. Brown well until the oil at the bottom of the pan appears

transparent. At this point add red wine in a quantity that covers the meat and let it evaporate over a high flame. When it is withdrawn, taking a brown color, add a little 'of preservation in an amount that does not give the meat too red. The broth of the bones is added as the meat requires it. A quarter of an hour before cooking, a pinch of nutmeg is added. Everything must boil slowly for about four hours.

Attention: the dates indicated may vary. We therefore invite readers to inquire by contacting the organizers of the various events to find out in which days the edition of the current year will be held

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