Festa al Vecchio Ponte

Festa al Vecchio Ponte


Festa al Vecchio Ponte


Ponte alla Chiassa (Arezzo)


Last week of August - first week of September


Polisportiva Stella Azzurra tel. 0575/362034, website: www.stellazzurra.net , e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Description of the Festival

In the spring of 1979 in the living room of the "Maestra", the dear Mrs. Erina Testi, they found a handful of rigidly DOCG pontesi, to try to give legs to a dream: "make" the village festival in Ponte alla Chiassa. Thus was born the name FESTA AL VECCHIO PONTE, linked to the remains of the Romanesque stone bridge remained in the midst of what the Pontians call "river", that is the Chiassa torrent. We began to prepare that party, which took place the second week of September, in the then dirt road of the old slaughterhouse, with the first rudimentary restaurant, borrowed from the surrounding political parties, and the first kitchen installed on the ground. There were immediately hot-head tractors, with their very long and special ignition ritual, and they began to recover the typical dishes, first among all the GRIFI. In those years, the Festival was a real hotbed of events, cycloraduni, contests, games without borders on the Chiassa, lace, lace and embroidery, and for several years also the Historical Reenactment of the COPPA DEL RE organized for historical and vintage cars. The festival of the Festa al Vecchio Ponte was also born, which saw the growth of poetry with songs, scenes of many young people. In the square remained the environment of the "shops" in the funds were obtained stores of lace, paintings, the first fry and brewery, the square became the place of the shows, let's call them trendy today: rock concerts, folklore, cabaret, dance competitions, exhibitions of paintings, the wheel of the dwarfs, the rificolone, a feast truly of a unique grandeur.

GRILLS IN ARETINA: Curiosity: Griffins are the lean and callused parts of the calf's snout, and cheeks can also be used to enrich the dish. In the gastronomic tradition of Arezzo, a recipe is used that exploits these parts by cooking them in steam with aromas, spices, smells and tomatoes, creating a simple dish, tasty and tasty. Ingredients: griffins of chianina veal; onion; tomato preserve; Red wine; cloves; Fresh thyme salt and pepper. Clean and cut the griffins into small pieces. Put them to cook in a crock pot with a glass of water. When the water begins to shrink, add an onion stuffed with cloves, a pinch of thyme, one of persia, pepper and salt. Then pour a glass of wine and wait for it to flow too. Then add the tomato paste in the pan, dissolved in a little water. Cover the saucepan with a lid and bring to the end of cooking, being careful that it never lacks the damp. Remove the onion and serve.


Attention: the dates indicated may vary. We therefore invite readers to inquire by contacting the organizers of the various events to find out in which days the edition of the current year will be held

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