Sagra del Raviolo di Partina

Sagra del Raviolo di Partina


Sagra del Raviolo di Partina




1st weekend of August



Municipality of Bibbiena Via Berni, 25 Bibbiena - Tourist Office tel. 0575 536943. Pro loco Partina Tobia Scatolini via Rosa Scoti Franceschi 52010 Partina. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Description of the Festival

Traditionally reserved for festivities and special occasions, the stuffed pasta comes from the union of simple basic ingredients - eggs, flour, salt and a filling of your choice - giving life to nourishing and tasty dishes with the most varied shapes and contents. Present on our table since the fourteenth century (as attested to recipe books of the time, in which appears a paste prepared with flour and water that acts as a "container for a filling), the stuffed pasta is a traditional dish throughout Italy, with variants

regional for the type of stuffing, and the format. The ravioli of Partina is a real specialty; the housewives of the village pull a rolling sheet with a rolling pin with fresh eggs, flour, salt oil and a drop of water; they distribute the stuffing prepared with ricotta, chard, eggs, cheese, milk and nutmeg, to little heaps well spaced; cover

the pastry with the filling with the other pastry dough, crushing with fingers around the piles of filling to seal the two sheets; using a pastry cutter cut the ravioli into squares. The ravioli are then served simply with melted butter or with a meat sauce.

RAVIOLI AL RAGU 'DI CARNE : Dough: Boil beets and spinach with water, salt and bicarbonate, squeeze and pass; then put the freshly boiled vegetables in a container with fresh ricotta, eggs, cheese (grana padano),

nutmeg, pepper and salt to taste and mix well. Then prepare the dough with eggs, salt, flour, oil, a drop of water and spread thin. FOR THE RAGU ': Chop the onion, the celery, the carrot very finely, transferred all in a saucepan with extra virgin olive oil. When the mixture has browned well, add the chopped and private sausage of the skin and the minced meat, mix it so that all the ingredients are wet from the sauce. After a few minutes dilute with red wine and let it evaporate at a low flame. The ideal wine should be robust, which gives an extra flavor to your meat sauce. When the wine is dried, pour the tomato sauce and dilute it with the hot stock. Mix the sauce with the rest of the ingredients and cook for at least 2 hours keeping the flame very low and stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon.


Attention: the dates indicated may vary. We therefore invite readers to inquire by contacting the organizers of the various events to find out in which days the edition of the current year will be held

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