Feast of the Typing

Festa della Battitura

First name

Feast of the Typing




Ponte Buriano


Last weekend of August


Circolo Cric Ponte Buriano, web site: www.cricponteburiano.it

Description of the party

The festival was founded in 1977 to "celebrate the bridge". The idea was to resume the old farming traditions with the re-enactment of the typing. In addition to the historical re-enactment of the beating it is possible to taste traditional dishes and products and to take part in guided tours of the Ponte Buriano and Penna nature reserve. The protagonist of the festival is the ocio that in the past was carefully reared all year to be cooked especially during the threshing period. You can taste it in various preparations for macaroni with ocio sauce, roast ocio in pork.

OCIO ARROSTO IN PORCHETTE: Ingredients: ocio, wild fennel, garlic, salt, pepper, little oil. Preparation: fill the ocio with fennel and garlic, salt, peel and cook with very little oil in a very hot oven. When it is golden, it gets wet with a glass of white wine. It is faded, and the dish is ready.

Attention: the dates indicated may vary. We therefore invite readers to inquire by contacting the organizers of the various events to find out in which days the edition of the current year will be held

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