Sagra del Raviolo

Sagra del Raviolo


Sagra del Raviolo




Last weekend of July


Municipality of Chitignano Piazza Arrigucci, 1 Chitignano tel. 0575 596713, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Description of the Festival

Traditionally reserved for festivities and special occasions, the stuffed pasta comes from the union of simple basic ingredients - eggs, flour, salt and a filling of your choice - giving life to nourishing and tasty dishes with the most varied shapes and contents. Present on our table since the fourteenth century (as attested to recipe books of the time, in which appears a paste prepared with flour and water that acts as a "container for a filling), the stuffed pasta is a traditional dish throughout Italy, with regional variations regarding the type of filling, and the format Traditionally the ravioli is prepared by housewives in their homes on Sundays.The festival is an opportunity to taste this simple and tasty dish that can be served with melted butter or meat sauce. meat or mushrooms.

RAVIOLI BUTTER AND SAGE: Ingredients For 4 people: 500g of meat ravioli; 140g of butter; 20 sage leaves; nutmeg; 120g of flaked pecorino cheese; salt and pepper. Preparation: Clean, wash and dry the sage leaves with a cannovaccio taking care not to ruin the leaves. Cook the ravioli in plenty of salted water. In a pan melt the butter over a low heat, then add the sage leaves and roll them gently moving the pan. Add a generous grated nutmeg, add salt and pepper and cook for 30 seconds. Drain the ravioli cooked in plenty of salted water and boil at low heat so as not to open them, and put them in a shallow and wide bowl, and season with half of the hot sage butter. Add the remaining ravioli and complete with the dressing. Season with flaked pecorino cheese and serve immediately.


Attention: the dates indicated may vary.

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