Sagra del Tortello alla Lastra

Sagra del Tortello alla Lastra


Sagra del Tortello alla Lastra







Municipality of Chiusi della Verna Viale S. Francesco, 42 Chiusi della Verna tel. 0575/599611 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; website:

Description of the Festival

Il Tortello di Corezzo, is a typical gastronomic specialty of the eastern part of Casentino. It is an elaborate but genuine dish, produced by that singular capacity, typical of mountain farmers, in knowing how to combine and diversify the monotony of the few foods available in a wide variety of foods with a unique taste and flavor. The recipe, handed down from generation to generation, has been preserved until today. It is an entire country that is mobilized in the days of the Sagra del Tortello: residents and not, all have a specific role in the organization of this event which is the main event organized by the Pro Loco. When it was decided to give life to this festival two specific objectives were set: to valorize and make known the cultural heritage of a poor cuisine whose grandmothers were still depositaries and at the same time slow down the process of abandoning the country. There are about 150 people who collaborate in organizing the party and who organize their holidays according to the dates of the same: all this shows the great attachment to the country, the passion and the desire to continue to exist this village, otherwise destined to to die.

TORTELLI WITH COREZZO SLABS: They are prepared by kneading the flour of soft wheat with water and salt on a wooden board. The dough is processed exclusively by hand, and is rolled with a rolling pin to obtain a thin sheet of dough, half of which is distributed the mixture of potatoes, prepared with boiled potatoes and vegetable sauce, whose recipe is secretly guarded by housewives of the country. Then add pecorino, parmesan, eggs, butter, nutmeg. Together with the potatoes or in complete replacement of them they can be used cabbage (cabbage, cap, black) and / or pumpkin, keeping unchanged the other ingredients. With the use of the wheel, the entire outer edge of the pastry is closed first and then divided into large squares, which will be cooked on top of a slab of pietra serena. This stone, with its particular roughness, gives the tortello its characteristic flavor and color.


Attention: the dates indicated may vary. We therefore invite readers to inquire by contacting the organizers of the various events to find out in which days the edition of the current year will be held

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