Sagra della Pecora

Sagra della Pecora a chitignano


Sagra della Pecora




3rd weekend of August


Municipality of Chitignano Piazza Arrigucci, 1 Chitignano tel. 0575 596713, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - US Chitignano Andrea Lauri - tel. 334 3268666, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Description of the Festival

The presence of sheep in the Casentino economy has always been one of the primary resources of the valley, constituting one of the irreplaceable premises for the development of wool art. The care of the flocks was certainly already present in the Etruscan-Roman period, in which some transhumance routes were traced for the seasonal displacement of the flocks. During the Middle Ages we have news of several sheep heads owned by local feudal powers. Between the 18th and 19th centuries, the practice of transhumance towards the fertile Maremma pastures assumed great importance through the establishment of local businesses. The festival is an excellent opportunity to learn and not forget the flavors of the traditional cuisine of the casentino and the culture of transhumance.

SHEEP IN HUMID: the sheep's meat must be well degreased and unnerved. then, cut into pieces, focus for about ten minutes in a pan to make it drain moisture. Separately prepare a sauté with extra virgin olive oil, a lot of onion, ramerino, sage; a few cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste, nutmeg smell. When the sauté is browned add a mixture of sheep and prosciutto; cook for a few minutes and add the pieces of the sheep together with a tablespoon of tomato sauce, a few peeled tomatoes, a little water. cook until the sauce is withdrawn and with the sauce season "penne" or macaroni.


Attention: the dates indicated may vary. We therefore invite readers to inquire by contacting the organizers of the various events to find out in which days the edition of the current year will be held

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