Sagra della Polenta

Sagra della Polenta


Sagra della Polenta


Poggio di Loro


1st or 2nd weekend of August



Comune Loro Ciuffenna piazza Matteotti, 7 - tel. 055 917011 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Associazione Uniti per Poggio tel. 339/2321029, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , website:

Description of the Festival

Di Poggio is already spoken in the Middle Ages and it is understood that it was an important village. Perched under the slopes of Pratomagno (626 m asl) it was an important reference point in ancient times for the connection between Valdarno and Casentino; remains of the castle walls, its characteristic houses built in local stone, arranged according to the concentric scheme of the ancient medieval castle, contribute to make the village live in a special atmosphere that makes rediscover the things of a bygone age with simplicity. To increase the charm and charm of this secluded village is also to discover the respect that the inhabitants have for their history and their traditions that, handed down from father to son, we find all still today, like the harvesting and drying of chestnuts , once the sustenance of families, today "Sagra della Pulenda". Every year in the first fortnight of August the village is dressed in colors, scents and sounds that are particularly nostalgic. For two days is a crowd of people who wanders through the narrow streets in search of a particular item on the stalls or who buys local products such as wine, chestnut flour, oil, honey, fruit ... But in these days of August who it is undoubtedly the SWEET FLOUR that allows, among other things, the cooks of the festival to make exquisite dishes.

PULENDA: 500g of sifted chestnut flour; 2 liters of water; a pinch of salt; a copper cauldron; a hollow trunk of chestnut; a stick. Heat the 2 liters of water until it boils, pour it immediately into the pot (which you have previously placed inside the hollow trunk of chestnut). Pour the chestnut flour and a pinch of salt into boiling water regularly, stirring constantly with a 4/5 cm diameter wooden stick. Keep turning for about 10 minutes until the contents of the pot coalesce, now put the pot back on the stove and as soon as the first boils are removed (about 1 minute) remove it and pour the contents onto a clean cloth. The result will be the Pulenda, brown color, round shape and "steaming" perfume.


Attention: the dates indicated may vary. We therefore invite readers to inquire by contacting the organizers of the various events to find out in which days the edition of the current year will be held

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