Sagra del Tartufo

Sagra del Tartufo


Sagra del Tartufo


Chiusi della Verna


13-17 August


ProLoco La Verna Viale Macchini 4, Chiusi della Verna This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. tel. 335/457410

Description of the Festival

The black truffle or Scorzone can be found in the Appennine areas of the Casentino and in the Valtiberina. of fairly high average size, it can even reach half a pound of weight. The ripening period is from June to November hence the name of black truffle in summer. In the kitchen, with an intense and penetrating aroma reminiscent of the smell of the emtano and of the fermented cheese, it lends itself to being eaten raw on dishes that enhance its aroma without masking it. The festival offers the opportunity to taste various preparations enriched by the intense flavor of the king of the table.

TAGLIOLINI WITH BLACK TRUFFLE: prepare the tagliolini of the finest pasta with only egg yolks; they should be boiled al dente in plenty of salted water. two variations for condiments: Dissolve in a little stock a little butter and half the truffle available, thinly sliced ​​with the appropriate cutter, and season the tagliolini adding the remaining truffle on the plate. Heat in a large pan of olive oil with a little garlic (which should be removed before it is browned), pour the boiled tagliolini al dente and the grated truffle. Serve immediately in the dishes at the table.


Attention: the dates indicated may vary. We therefore invite readers to inquire by contacting the organizers of the various events to find out in which days the edition of the current year will be held

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