Sagra della Frittella

Sagra della Frittella


Sagra della Frittella




Last Sunday of March


Municipality of Chiusi della Verna Viale S. Francesco, 42 Chiusi della Verna tel. 0575 599611, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - ​​Parish of S. Giuseppe del Corsalone tel. 0575 511649, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Description of the Festival

The tradition of rice fritters has long been consolidated in Tuscany: we have news of this sweet already in the fifteenth century, at that time, the use of rice in the kitchen was not recognized, so much so that in the Middle Ages rice was treated as a spice, used in powder or to mix soups; later the rice found a strong use in the kitchen. The rice pancakes are typical desserts that are prepared by tradition for the feast of St. Joseph and for the Carnival. At the Sagra delle Frittelle it is possible to taste not only the delicious fried desserts, but also the typical products of the Arezzo area. The festival founded in 1977 offers visitors the opportunity to get to know and taste the typical dessert of the feast of St. Joseph.

SAN GIUSEPPE RICE FRYERS: Each kg of rice 2 liters of milk. Cook the desired amount of rice for 5 minutes in the water. You drain the rice and put it in a pan to cook in the milk that is added gradually. Add a pound of sugar each etto of rice, add the orange zest and a lemon. When cooked, prepare a pan with plenty of hot oil on the stove, toss the dough into small quantities the size of a large hazelnut (help yourself with a teaspoon). Fry (if the pasta is good enough to touch the pancakes, which will be inflated in the meantime, with a fork that will turn in the oil alone). Remove them and immediately throw them in the sugar (because they are lightened well), then put them in a tray and serve not hot, but still warm


Attention: the dates indicated may vary. We therefore invite readers to inquire by contacting the organizers of the various events to find out in which days the edition of the current year will be held


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