Sagra del Maccherone

Sagra del Maccherone


Sagra del Maccherone




Last week of May - first week of June



Polisportiva Battifolle tel. 0575/366043. Website: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Description of the Festival

The Battifolle Polisportiva organizes since 1981 the 'Sagra del Maccherone' in order to pass on one of the most ancient culinary traditions of our land: the art of kneading, flattening and cutting egg pasta by hand in order to obtain one of the products typical of our table, the Maccherone. With this term in fact, at least in the area of ​​Arezzo, we refer to the better known 'Tagliatella' seasoned with meat sauce. Like every Sagra, almost all the families of the country are involved in the organization that make available their time and voluntary work for the best outcome of the event that over the years has carved out a top spot in the province and not only , with numerous presences also from outside the region. As part of the event, which generally takes place at the turn of the months of May and June, alongside the King Macaroon, typical dishes of peasant cuisine are also proposed, such as duck in porchetta and baked beans as they once were accompanied by lunches on the occasion of the main events of rural life.

MACCHERONI CO 'L'OCIO: Take the ocio, cut it into pieces and dry it in the pan. Its fat will help you keep it from burning. Add a generous mixture of lean ham, onion, celery and carrot. Lascaite wither over high heat then add tomato, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Remove the tomato and continue cooking by adding small broths in small quantities. About a quarter of ra before cooking is finished cut the liver of the egg into very small pieces and put it in the pan. Cook it aside the ocio and use the sauce to season the macaroni. In this case the maccheron will be square pasta of 8 centimeters on the side or strips about six centimeters wide. Boil the pasta and put it in a buttered pan in alternating layers with the sauce. The last layer should be macaroni and above curls of butter, Parmesan and breadcrumbs. Cook in a moderate oven for about ten minutes and serve hot.


Attention: the dates indicated may vary. We therefore invite readers to inquire by contacting the organizers of the various events to find out in which days the edition of the current year will be held

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