Sagra della Lumaca

Sagra della Lumaca


Sagra della Lumaca


Fossa del Lupo


Last week of May - first week of June


Municipality of Cortona Piazza della Repubblica, 13 Cortona tel. 0575 637225, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tourist Office tel. 0575 630352 - GS Fossa del Lupo e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , web-site:

Description of the Festival

The snail in the kitchen was already appreciated by the Greeks and Romans; in Apicio's cooking treatise, there are four recipes dedicated to snails that he fried and roasted using various sauces. In Italy, the snail is appreciated in every region, each of which has its own basic recipe for cooking them. In the Fossa del Lupo area, at the foot of the Cortona mountain, the Sagra della Snail takes place, an event that has surpassed the twenty-five editions to demonstrate the success it has received. Food stands for snail lovers and more.

SPAGHETTI WITH SUGO DI SUMMER: Ingredients: spaghetti; small earth snails, ripe tomatoes; extra virgin olive oil; vinegar; crushed or pistil peppers; mint; sage; marjoram; salt; pepper. Preparation: Put the snails to rest for a few days in the middle of the bran; then wash in a vinegar and salt bath, rinsing carefully, repeating this operation several times. Once the snails have been cleaned, boil them in water for at least half an hour, remove them from their shells and place them in a vinegar and salt bath, then rub them in the yellow flour to remove the burr. Peel the tomatoes and crush the pulp with your hands. Prepare a mixture of rosemary, mint, sage and marjoram. Prepare another chopped garlic and pepper and fry in a large pan. Drop the snails, add salt and pepper to taste and cook until they dry. Now add the chopped herbs already prepared, the tomatoes pulp and stir for a long time then cover and boil over a moderate heat. Cook the spaghetti and drain them al dente, season with the sauce of snails and serve hot.


Attention: the dates indicated may vary. We therefore invite readers to inquire by contacting the organizers of the various events to find out in which days the edition of the current year will be held

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