Sagra del Fogiolo Zolfino

Sagra del Fagiolo Zolfino


Sagra del Fogiolo Zolfino


Fraz. Penna


1 at the end of May


Associazione Penna Mauro Tognaccini Committee tel. 055 9705035 - 345 5959960

Description of the Festival

Fagiolo Zolfino is a product of excellence of Pratomagno. It is so named for its pale yellow color, similar to sulfur. The characteristics that enhance it are the very fine skin (particularity that makes it very digestible), in addition to the thick and creamy consistency, the intense flavor, which makes it appreciate and makes it the ideal companion of many dishes of Tuscan cuisine. The festival is an excellent opportunity to get to know and appreciate one of the best products of our territory.

FLAKES WITH ZOLFINI: Place the beans carefully washed inside the glass flask; Add the water, oil, salt, pepper, sage and tomato. Put it in the ashes of burnt wood still hot, adding water from time to time, making sure that it does not come out and soak the flask from the outside, under penalty of immediate bursting. Season with extra virgin olive oil (better if strong and fruity) and laid on slices of toasted Tuscan bread or as a side dish.


Attention: the dates indicated may vary. We therefore invite readers to inquire by contacting the organizers of the various events to find out in which days the edition of the current year will be held

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