Casa Museo Ivan Bruschi

La Casa Museo Ivan Bruschi ad Arezzo

The Ivan Bruschi House Museum has been defined as a "place of wonders", where the aesthetic-cultural philosophy of the inventor of the Antiquarian Fair can still be lived thanks to the evocative setting of the precious and eclectic collection. Over 10,000 works from all parts of the world, from the prehistoric age to the early decades of the twentieth century, Etruscan, Greek and Roman archaeological finds, paintings, furniture, ceramics, coins, weapons, books, sculptures, jewelry.
The Ivan Bruschi House Museum is in effect a cultural space that hosts temporary exhibitions, courses and educational workshops, conferences, theatrical performances, concerts. Point 31: See the Map »
ADDRESS: Corso Italia, 14
TEL: 0575 354126
E-MAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
TIMETABLES: 10-13 / 14-18 closed on Monday
TICKETS: € 5 full; € 3 reduced
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Acquista online i biglietti per i più importanti Spettacoli e Musei di Arezzo
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Map of Arezzo

Fai passare il cursore del mouse sopra la Cartina di Arezzo e potrai ingrandire la zona desiderata

  • 27: Chiesa S. Agnese - 6/C
  • 17: Chiesa S. Agostino - 4-5/D
  • 3: Chiesa di S. Annunziata -2-3/B
  • 37: Chiesa S. Bernardo - 3/E
  • 20: Chiesa S. Croce - 7/C
  • 1: Chiesa Di S. Domenico - 4/A
  • 11: Chiesa SS. Flora e Lucilla in B. - 3/B-C
  • 14: Chiesa S. Francesco - 3-4/C
  • 18: Chiesa S. Gemignano 5/D
  • 39: Chiesa di S. Maria delle Grazie 4/E
  • 2: Chiesa di S. Maria in Gradi 3-4/A
  • 10: Chiesa S. Maria della Pieve - 5/C
  • 26: Chiesa S. Michele - 4/C
  • 34: Chiesa SS. Trinità - 3/C
  • 4: Duomo - 5/A
  • 12: Galleria Comunale d'Arte Contemporanea - 4/B
  • 38: Museo Archeologico - 4/E
  • 29: Museo Diocesano - 5/A
  • 6: Casa del Petrarca - 5/B
  • 36: Casa del Vasari - 3/A
  • 30: Logge Vasari - 5/B-C
  • 28: Palazzetto della Fraternita dei Laici - 5/B-C
  • 35: Palazzo Bruni - 3/A
  • 31: Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo - 5/B
  • 5: Palazzo Comunale - 4/B
  • 32: Palazzo del Popolo 5/B
  • 9: Palazzo Pretorio - 5/B
  • 13: Teatro Petrarca - 3/C
  • 21: Anfiteatro Romano - 3-4/E
  • 22: Bastioni S. Spirito - 2-3/E
  • .
  • 40: Chimera d'Arezzo - 2/D-E
  • 8: Fortezza Medicea - 6-7/B
  • 7: Monumento a F. Petrarca - 6/B
  • 16: Monumento a Guido Monaco - 2-3/D
  • 19: Porta trento Trieste - 6/D
  • 25: Porta S. Clemente - 3/A
  • 24: Porta di S. Lorentino - 2/A
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