Tuesday, 14 December 2021 08:03

Fraternita's Museum

It is located in Piazza Grande. The Fraternity Museum was refounded and opened to the public in 2010. The first nucleus of the body's ancient collections, deriving from donations, testamentary bequests and public commissions from the fourteenth century to the nineteenth century -including archaeological excavations funded by the same institution- remained in the Fraternity Museum from 1820, the year of its foundation, until 1935, when the artistic, archaeological and scientific collections (minerals, zoological finds, tools) and also the very rich library, saved after a fire in 1759, were partly destined to form the nuclei of the civic museums and libraries that later became state-owned. A large part of the works (around 8,000) including paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints and antique furnishings still remain in the Palazzo and constitute the fulcrum of the exhibition itinerary.

The Fraternity also has a study room open to the public and a very important historical archive (with documents from the fourteenth to the nineteenth century) which is one of the main sources for the history of the city of Arezzo. Point 28: See the Map »


ADDRESS: Via Giorgio Vasari, 6 (piazza Grande)
TEL: 0575/24694

FAX: 0575/354366

E-MAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

TIMETABLE: everyday from 10.30 am alle 6.00 pm


  • Entrance: 5,00€
  • Guided tour: 2,00€
Published in Museums in Arezzo
Acquista online i biglietti per i più importanti Spettacoli e Musei di Arezzo
Acquista online i biglietti per i più importanti Spettacoli e Musei di Arezzo
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Map of Arezzo

Fai passare il cursore del mouse sopra la Cartina di Arezzo e potrai ingrandire la zona desiderata

  • 27: Chiesa S. Agnese - 6/C
  • 17: Chiesa S. Agostino - 4-5/D
  • 3: Chiesa di S. Annunziata -2-3/B
  • 37: Chiesa S. Bernardo - 3/E
  • 20: Chiesa S. Croce - 7/C
  • 1: Chiesa Di S. Domenico - 4/A
  • 11: Chiesa SS. Flora e Lucilla in B. - 3/B-C
  • 14: Chiesa S. Francesco - 3-4/C
  • 18: Chiesa S. Gemignano 5/D
  • 39: Chiesa di S. Maria delle Grazie 4/E
  • 2: Chiesa di S. Maria in Gradi 3-4/A
  • 10: Chiesa S. Maria della Pieve - 5/C
  • 26: Chiesa S. Michele - 4/C
  • 34: Chiesa SS. Trinità - 3/C
  • 4: Duomo - 5/A
  • 12: Galleria Comunale d'Arte Contemporanea - 4/B
  • 38: Museo Archeologico - 4/E
  • 29: Museo Diocesano - 5/A
  • 6: Casa del Petrarca - 5/B
  • 36: Casa del Vasari - 3/A
  • 30: Logge Vasari - 5/B-C
  • 28: Palazzetto della Fraternita dei Laici - 5/B-C
  • 35: Palazzo Bruni - 3/A
  • 31: Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo - 5/B
  • 5: Palazzo Comunale - 4/B
  • 32: Palazzo del Popolo 5/B
  • 9: Palazzo Pretorio - 5/B
  • 13: Teatro Petrarca - 3/C
  • 21: Anfiteatro Romano - 3-4/E
  • 22: Bastioni S. Spirito - 2-3/E
  • .
  • 40: Chimera d'Arezzo - 2/D-E
  • 8: Fortezza Medicea - 6-7/B
  • 7: Monumento a F. Petrarca - 6/B
  • 16: Monumento a Guido Monaco - 2-3/D
  • 19: Porta trento Trieste - 6/D
  • 25: Porta S. Clemente - 3/A
  • 24: Porta di S. Lorentino - 2/A
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