Perfumes and flavors of the kitchen

Profumi e sapori della cucina

The discoveries in our province will also continue for lunch or dinner, but this time, will be gastronomic, in the inns and taverns of the cities, or for lovers of the countryside, in some farms along the proposed itineraries.

In Valdarno you can start with the " stewed Sangiovese ", a tasty dish made of long cooked meat rich in spices, continuing with the " turned roast ", the Valdarno chicken cooked with tomato sauce and all accompanied by the best wines of the area.

In Valdichiana, a breeding area of ​​a high-quality beef breed called Chianina , you can taste succulent barbecued steaks accompanied by red wines from the Cortona vineyards.

In Valtiberina, local cuisine offers ciaccia , bringoli (large spaghetti made from wheat flour and water), various game, truffles, porcini mushrooms and prugnoli, homemade desserts and, to finish, a good glass of vin santo.

After being transported by the beauty of art and the landscape, if you still have a little 'time available, you can browse through the many shops of the valleys in search of some food delicacy or some garment to wear. High fashion clothing and leather goods, glasses and crystals, wine and oil, zolfini beans, chestnut flour from Pratomagno and the delicious prosciutto from the valdarnese mountain are some of the many products that can be bought in Valdarno.

In the craft workshops of Valtiberina and Valdichiana you can find ceramic, wooden, fabric, lace articles and, if you love antiques, you will be spoiled for choice among the many shops that animate the old villages.

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