Antica Festa del Tegame

Antica Festa del Tegame


Antica Festa del Tegame


Monte Sopra Rondine


First 2 weeks of September


Description of the Festival

The ancient feast of the Tegame takes up the tradition of Monte Sopra Rondine: in fact in the past the peasants kept a portion of the proceeds of sales of eggs, poultry and all the products of the land for the family, to celebrate the traditional Easter lunches. , Christmas and for the Feast of the Patron. In September on the occasion of the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, the inhabitants of the village invited relatives and friends to party, on the occasion the housewives prepared a tasty and abundant dinner. After attending religious rituals they all sat around the table to consume that lavish meal and that was how the party really took place. The party is the opportunity to taste these ancient flavors through the traditional dishes of Arezzo from livers, griffins, macaroni with duck in pork.

FEGATELLI ALL'ARETINA: Dish of the ancient tradition of central Italy. Preparation:

Cut the pork liver into cubes (about 4/5 cm). Involt each piece of liver completely in a square of pork net well cleaned and softened in warm water. Take care to insert a small leaf of laurel and dried fennel into each bundle. Close the net wrapped around the livers with a toothpick or with the stem of the fennel. Salt and pepper.

Cook on a spit (or in a pan or in a pan with a little oil). Fill a pot or a clay or glass jar with the livers and cover completely with lard).


Attention: the dates indicated may vary. We therefore invite readers to inquire by contacting the organizers of the various events to find out in which days the edition of the current year will be held

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