Sagra dei Maccheroni con la Lepre

Sagra dei Maccheroni con la Lepre


Sagra dei Maccheroni con la Lepre


Castelnuovo di Subbiano


3rd weekend of September



Municipality of Subbiano Via Verdi, 9 - Subbiano tel. 0575 421742, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Description of the Festival

Typical pasta prepared exclusively by hand, the macaroni can vary in size and be either square or rectangular, seasoned with different sauces. The macaroni seasoned with the hare sauce is a real specialty: in fact, the hare has a particular importance in the gastronomic tradition. The meat of the hare, like all that of game, needs before the preparation of a careful marinade. The festival offers visitors the opportunity to make known this dish rooted in the Aretine tradition.

MACCHERONI AL SUGO DI LEPRE: FOR MACCHERONI: mix 1 kg of flour with 5 eggs and two shells of water or "stewed" milk. Work the dough for a long time so that the flour is perfectly mixed with the eggs. Leave it to rest for about a quarter of an hour and then, with the rolling pin, roll out the dough, which should not be too thin. Ventilate the dough, spread it on a canovacchio in a ventilated place, finally, after almost complete drying, cut it into wide strips a finger and as long as possible. Spray the pasta a second time and then "throw it" in plenty of salted water. FOR THE HERPER SAUCE: fry in a little olive oil a bit of smells; when they begin to brown, add the pieces of hare, which has been marinated previously for at least 12 hours. When the meat has got a nice color, wet it with red wine or re-use the marinade (wine, onion, juniper, cinnamon) in which the hare was kept. Add the tomato into pieces and cook slowly for at least three hours.


Attention: the dates indicated may vary. We therefore invite readers to inquire by contacting the organizers of the various events to find out in which days the edition of the current year will be held

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