Sagra del Bastoncello Casareccio


Sagra del Bastoncello Casareccio


Casanuova di Laterina


First 2 weeks of September


Municipality of Laterina Via Trento, 21 Laterina tel. 0575 88011, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Description of the Festival

The "BASTONCELLI DI CASANUOVA" is an ultra-modern story. Flour, anise, vinsanto and fire to burn the large pincer that had two round plates at the top that matched as a precision instrument, engraved on the inside with various drawings (that were not) other than a variation on the theme of the hosts for the Mass that, as drawings had inside the symbols of the Eucharist. The party of Bastoncelli casarecci was formalized with the establishment of the festival starting in 1976 and until 1980 it was hard to produce them on fire, until the modern times and the spread of the popularity of the Festa casanuovese forced the organizers to prepare the rods with electricity production plants.

THE BASTON: Flour, Anise, Vinsanto. An assembly line consisting of two to three people: a man with two long handles of crushes, which required a certain physical strength, to keep them constantly on the flame and move them at the right time and very frequently, a woman to put down the dose with the spoon and the other to download the cooked cake, in the side to the side. While all around was the scent of anise that was watering in the mouth and the dough that sizzled on the fire, under the pressure of the crush. Everything else was entrusted to the eye: because it was the secret of the right cooking, of the color of the product of the crunchy, of the thickness of the stick, which obviously never had to be "shaken".


Attention: the dates indicated may vary. We therefore invite readers to inquire by contacting the organizers of the various events to find out in which days the edition of the current year will be held </p


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