Sagra della Porchetta

Sagra della Porchetta


Sagra della Porchetta


Monte San Savino


2nd weekend of September



Municipality of Monte San Savino Corso San Gallo, 38 Monte San Savino tel. 0575 91771 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tourist Office tel. 0575 849418 Pro Loco 0575 844891 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Description of the Festival

Now become a "DOC" brand for its celebrity, the savory porchetta of Monte San Savino offers the opportunity to introduce the so-called masters of pork who, proudly, present their product to tasters and visitors who do not miss a chance so succulent to taste also other typical products that this land produces. The "porchetta of Monte San Savino" is a constant, in the Municipality and in the surrounding areas, for every occasion of celebration. The tradition of "porchetta" is strongly rooted, production and sale are carried out throughout the year with sale in neighboring towns or cities as well as on the spot, in weekly markets, in festivals or village festivals, largely through the itinerant trade.

PORCHETTA: Once the animal has been washed, it opens, eviscerates, breaks and becomes full of seasoning: cooking salt, pepper, garlic heads with all the shirt, liver and spleen cut into chunks and various aromatic herbs. Once stuffed with flavors, the pork is skewered with a stick that comes out of the mouth and the other end (a stick also useful for transport) and binds well with the string. At this point you put it in the oven. The cooking lasts two to five hours, depending on the size of the animal, and must be checked from time to time to see the progressive browning. Tradition has it that roast pork is roasted in a wood oven. The porchetta is eaten cut into slices as a second course or out in a sandwich.


Attention: the dates indicated may vary. We therefore invite readers to inquire by contacting the organizers of the various events to find out in which days the edition of the current year will be held


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